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This Post Stinks

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We met with the contractor today. No surprises – but the money involved to make this our forever home is going to add up quickly. The contractor loved the land and said the house is basically solid. There will be some shoring up of joists as we remove walls and relocate the kitchen and expand the baths, but all in all we texted our Realtor and told her we’re a go – due diligence is final tomorrow. Keith is a little more stoked than me…the task at hand is overwhelming.

This just in – got a text from our Realtor. She was contacted by the attorney – seems there’s some discrepancy with the conveyance vs information at GIS. Looks like a survey is in order for the land. This has potential delay written all over it. We also learned tonight we must upgrade our present septic to 3 bedroom – it’s listed as only a 2 bedroom on the county records. We bought this home as a 4 bedroom! Aiy yi yi – sewers – almost every house we’ve owned we’ve had to deal with sewer shit (pun intended). It’s a given we’ll have issues at the new property giving the infrastructure’s age. The kicker is we’ve never had the first issue here, and we’ve been very diligent about having our “honey” pumped every 3-4 years. Oh well – we’ll get the darn thing up to code and move on (literally) – thankfully it’s a problem money can fix. <<– Understand we are not rolling in moolah, and I especially tend to over-stress about finances from time to time. It’s just that we’ve lived through so many more issues money could NOT fix, all other issues seem trivial in comparison.

Sometimes situations stink. But on a sweet note, our current home listing went live and the pictures are very impressive. What a HUGE difference a professional photographer makes to convey a home’s features. Here’s a shot of our present living area.
