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I’m Packing

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I’m Packing

Today I spent the entire day trying to eradicate the musty/mildewy smell at the guest cottage before our move in less than two weeks. I went out early, drove home to feed Shucks and then made the 30 minute drive back out to do another round of mopping. Near the entrance to the property was a “work ahead” caution sign and then a flagman who was literally standing in our drive behind a parked 2 ton utility truck. Once the truck was removed I pulled up to the closed, unlocked barrier to find some big ole fella sauntering down our long drive behind the barrier with the affixed red and black “No Trespassing” notice.

I got out of the car to open the barrier, heart thumping, and said to the fella who was then appx 100 yards from me, “Um, what part of “No Trespassing” did you not understand? This is private property and I have no clue who you are.” Could I have been nicer? Yes. But when I go into fight or flight mode, I get a little bitchy. And when my son was suffering through his worst psychosis episodes and allowing a drug thug to squat on our property I pulled a CRAZY bitchy. Digest version of that story: after learning I was going to have to pay filing fees and go through a legal process to get rid of a meth head squatting in a small rental home we owned, it only took crazy eyes and screaming hysterically while waving a Walther .22 to do in 5 minutes what the sheriff said would take up to 60 days for them to accomplish (legally).

The fella walking down the drive today said he was with the crew working (yet he had no yellow vest like the others). Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t but I made up my mind right then and there – from now on, I, and my little helper, Walther, will be practicing the buddy system anytime I’m at the property by myself until we’re officially moved in and settled and have our video surveillance system in place.  It’s a little unnerving that someone has total disregard for another’s privacy.

Post Script: Due to a few private comments I have received I feel I should share a bit more about my “Crazy Bitchy” moment. My inclination is to spin a tale to emphasize the funny, but I need you to understand I was scared out of my ever lovin’ mind. The scenario was clearly a mom’s desperate attempt to save her psychotic son from a worse fate than diminished cognition. Keith was living and working in Shanghai at the time, and I was determined to protect “mine”. The desperate antics worked, but know that I threw up from fear on the way home from the episode. And also know that to this day I work mightily to temper panic attacks due mostly from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) from this incident and others. Being an active, caring advocate isn’t for pansies.


2 thoughts on “I’m Packing”

    1. Ha! Right or wrong I don’t carry a loaded clip (mostly for my own protection), but I have an extra that is loaded. I think in most instances just flashing the little gun would be enough for someone to high tail it. I really hate that it has to come to this and I honestly don’t like the No Trespassing sign – none of this is in the spirit of our imagined sanctuary.

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