Moving forward! County inspectors passed all electrical, mechanical, plumbing, framing and foundation. Insulation starts in the next few days, then sheetrock, then ceilings. We’re doing all wood ceilings as a nod to the original design, but they’re quite different and look more like a farmhouse. As soon as the kitchen is sheetrocked the custom cabinet maker will be out to measure one more time.
An exciting aspect I’ve not talked about is the new landscaping that will be going in if money holds. For one thing Duke Energy will be burying our lines that are low hanging across the drive to both homes. This may mean coming across a small portion of an asphalted part of the drive. The asphalt was undoubtedly put in due to the steep incline. One way or another the asphalt is in need of much repair or replacing altogether so the drive is our top priority.
In addition to the drive, we’ve decided to create more parking closer to the house. With the existing parking we’ll never have to worry with accommodating a small crowd. The new parking will tie a walking path to the front entrance and down to the pond and new fire pit/picnic area that will be excavated near the pond.
The other “must” is burying our propane gas tank. We have two gas fireplaces, gas heater, on demand gas water heater, gas grill, and commercial stove/oven. We will be burying the tank near the side porch off the new kitchen. Keith is extending the porch with a deck to accommodate a grill, kegerator, and mini fridge (we will be lucky to afford the new grill this year).
Another ongoing landscaping project will be a walking path garden out back where we lost many rhododendrons and trees to the new sewer drain fields. My wish is to fill the garden with plant transplants and cuttings from other garden friends. We will make the garden areas butterfly, honey bee, bird, and bat friendly. And I’ve not mentioned our vegetable garden. And all these things may or may not happen before we kick the bucket!!
The point is we’re moving forward, and between all the projects we’ll have left after the contractors leave, we will be checking off things for years to come.
The fellas aren’t quite through with the siding on the front – they lack the shaker shingles around the door and on the porch gable. Once those are installed the foundation will be stuccoed on the front, a concrete pad for the porch will be poured, and columns matching the side porch columns will be built. Then everything gets a fresh coat of paint.