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Dismal Creek

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Dismal Creek

When Keith and I learned that Dismal Creek ran through our property, we jokingly remarked that we hoped that wasn’t an omen of things to come. Well, hell’s bells – I just got off the phone with our Realtor. She called to confirm the final walk-through this afternoon before the close this evening. She also suggested that as soon as we take possession our first priority should be to change all the locks. She said, “I really need to tell you something… (long pause) ….the current tenant is a registered sex offender. I recommend you call the sheriff’s office in the morning to make them aware you are the new owners and that he no longer resides at that address.”

My reaction was a burst of laughter. I said to the Realtor, “My blog is fixin’ to get really interesting.” I also reminded her that we’re living on Dismal Creek. She laughed from relief, but then said, “Well…there’s more information I need to share with you, it’s a pretty twisted web of things, but I’m not telling you ’til I see you in person.”

This entry is not over….more to come this evening after the walk-through and close. Anyone reading this is invited to a house blessing Sunday afternoon @ 3:00. This invitation is for real. Please come, see for yourself the “Before” and to help us invite only good energies into our new forever home. Contact me for an address and driving directions.

***Friday – October 2***

So, thanks for waiting for almost a day to read the end of this story. Unfortunately, the details are so awkward and personal and could easily be junior sleuthed via the Internet that I’m concerned for the parties involved. So I’m keeping my “bidness” to myself. Sorry to the two friends reading this blog – if you’re dying to know email me personally. Know that nothing I learned yesterday evening compromises our new home, but it may explain the mess the renter left – to the sellers’ horror. We drove back to the house after closing last night and I snapped the picture below. I’m not exactly sure what the renter moved? The oversized double carport is filled to the brim with furniture, accessories, and personal affects the sellers frantically removed from the home. This will be quite a load to haul off but we’ll have to weather Storm Joaquin first.


6 thoughts on “Dismal Creek”

    1. Thanks Elfrida – it’s bound to get interesting. Even if it’s just nothing more than witnessing my real-time meltdown. Ha! I appreciate your encouragement.

  1. Wish I could have been at your ceremony. Sending good vibes your way for a wonderful journey of renovation. I hope this home brings you and Keith more joy than all your previous homes combined.

    1. Thanks so much Rhonda! We definitely have our work cut out for us, but was we walked a small part of the property yesterday we feel it in our bones we’re “home”.

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