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Feeling Perc-y

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Feeling Perc-y

The soil percolated! This is a BIG deal as our contract and backup offer on our current home are contingent on our septic being upgraded. A percolation test, or “perc” test, consists of digging one or more holes in the soil of the proposed drain field. Presoaking the holes, then running the test by filling the holes to a specific level and timing the drop of the water level as the water percolates into the surrounding soil. Upgrading the septic was our only hurdle to a successful close. I’m feeling pretty confident about the sale of our home moving forward now.

In the meantime – we are set to close on yonderways tomorrow evening at 7:00pm. We’re meeting our Realtor for a last walk-through before closing. Wow – this is really happening! I’m looking forward to sharing “Before” pictures soon.

We’ve had a great deal of personal scenarios happening the last two weeks. I may share at greater length another time, but I’ve decided to liquidate my small business. I’ve grappled with this decision for well over a year and have finally concluded I’m emotionally ready to move on. I’m not quite sure what I plan to do with myself just yet, for now, I plan to stay aware of energy alignments and opportunities. Admittedly I’m becoming a little more “woo-woo” with age (or new age as it may be). Ha!

At any rate, I have many reasons to feel “perc-y” today! I’ve been granted another beautiful day in the Blue Ridge mountains. And speaking of perky – this is a picture of our potbelly pet pig @ only 1yo. Shucks is going on 5yo and is considerably larger now. You’ll be reading lots more about him as we progress with the renovations.
