The most uttered phrase around yonderways this week is, “It is what it is”. We’ve had a couple of hiccups – nothing earth shattering but some esthetic issues have had to be reworked. We’re up to try #3 on some unsightly siding and freeze board transition on one side of the house. There are some other little things that 100 years, or even a year from now won’t make a pinch of coon shit’s difference. It’s just that we’re at the pissy, we’re running out of money/patience/time phase of the project. And rightly so, we want things as pristine and perfect as possible.
The contractors took full responsibility for the first go around on the rework (it was a workmanship error)…but the 2nd tear out is on us. At this point of the restoration and relationship with the builders, it’s important we communicate clearly and concisely our wishes. We are at fault for not being more specific and for also deferring to the builders in many cases especially concerning the foundation/framing issues. But as the finishes are starting to be finalized, and if there’s no reason our designs won’t work, it’s time for the builders to take a step back and build to our wishes. Rather than get our panties in a twist, we talked with our builders and made a pact moving forward to be more proactive about design details with drawings and/or putting all in writing. Lesson learned for all of us – it is what it is.
And this week is a hot mess of different projects happening at once. The plumber, HVAC, insulation, roofing & siding are all happening this week. We’re also experiencing what we hope will be the last of the freezing temps. The builders also think I’m bonkers for my bathroom vanity selections pictured below. But they don’t have my vision – I call it vision, they call it bad and impractical taste.
This is a picture of the janitor’s mop sink we purchased for the little guest bath/laundry combo. It’s so stinkin’ ugly it’s AWESOME! I wanted something retro for the room, and would have loved a white porcelain laundry sink, but at a price of over $2k they proved way beyond my budget. This is going to be very practical as well as unusual. And just last night I won a large, antique oval mirror on an online auction site that’s going to pair well with the sink.

And this is a picture of our new bathroom double vanity to the horror and disdain of every tradesman. I suspect we won’t keep this vanity forever due to the height (depending if I’m wearing a bra or not, it hits me at boob level – TMI?), but it is a bargain @ $400. The piece needs some glueing and retrofitting. I also plan to paint it. If not for the storage shelves we are building, this piece would not be possible.
On a completely different and unrelated note I’d like to take this time to unabashedly brag on our middle daughter. She is currently playing the lead in the musical, “Next to Normal” running at the New Theatre in the Square in Marietta, Ga. She plays the character of Diana, a mother living with multiple symptoms of diminished mental health. The storyline had me in tears from the first scene, but MK had me in tears of awe. MK is a concrete estimator for an Atlanta firm by day, and a voice-over actor, and stage actor by night. She has been a singer all her life, and graduated summa cum laude in musical theatre. But this role has gifted her a new depth of dramatic range and capabilities. We got to see her perform this weekend….brava!
And this is a quick snap shot of the Oak this morning…it is what it is.