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This will be a quickie – time is of the essence and it will be for the next month or so. I’ve had quite a few offline messages about our project since posting the “before” photos. Folks’ general reaction is AGHAST. Ha! A few friends and family grasp the concept and are aware of our vision and skills but they’re still quick to point out the overwhelming scope of it all.

We get it – more than you can ever know.

My words from an earlier post: The heavens didn’t open up, angels didn’t sing, our sanctuary is not shiny and new but a perfect hot mess (emphasis on perfect).

The below quote was in my facebook feed this morning and applies largely to our project yonderways. Keith and I had a myriad of valid reasons NOT to pursue our lifelong desire to own mountain property: we’re not spring chickens, financially our retirement funds will take a hit, the land and upkeep will own us, we’re giving up a perfectly suitable low maintenance home with incredible neighbors, so forth and so on. But the defining moment for us is when we asked ourselves, “If we’re fortunate to live another 20+ years will we regret never pursuing our lifelong desire?” And the resounding answer was ABSOLUTELY.
