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I’m writing as we make our way home from delivering our grand dog back to our daughter and son-in-law. The newly married couple just moved to Atlanta and we kept their perfectly mannered Australian Shepard the last 12 days. It got a little “my circus – my monkeys” this weekend with our son and his 2yo daughter, the grand dog, our 5yo indoor potbelly pig, and the stressed-out squawking parakeets.

Two weeks before the property we are negotiating found it’s way to my inbox, we had entered into contract on a Georgia HUD home for the purpose of rehabbing and renting to our daughter and son-in-law a few years while he is at Georgia Tech finishing his post graduate degree. The abridged version of this tale is, we hired an inspector during our due diligence and learned the property had many more issues than could be realized with a cursory visit. The opportunity simply proved too pricey and a bad investment much to our daughter’s dismay. Only one day after rescinding the HUD contract, I received an automated email for the present property based on some predefined search criteria I had set up at We were not actively looking at the time for “THE” property, but on a whim took a drive to find the place and the rest you know.

Two things:

  1. Timing is everything, and can happen when you least expect it.
  2. The heavens didn’t open up, angels didn’t sing, our sanctuary is not shiny and new but a perfect hot mess (emphasis on perfect).

On another note…when we were loading the car for our drive this evening Keith noticed I had packed my laptop. I told him I was going to make use of the ride to pen another post. He remarked, “I’ve read your posts so far and I like them, but I’m waiting on the change of tone once the real work starts on the house. That’s when the posts will get interesting.”

He knows me so well.

